Special payments to the needy disabled

Disabled people who, because of their disability recognized as due to a hostile action, do not succeed in resuming work, and whose income are not a sufficient livelihood, may be entitled to one of the benefits detailed below.

Conditions of entitlement

Eligibility for a special payment is based on defined criteria and is conditional upon the recipient’s cooperation with the rehabilitation process. Eligibility for payment is from the date of the request is submitted.

Please note that following the "Nefesh Echad" reform, some relaxations were established regarding the income test assessment of disabled people recipients of special benefits.

Those changes are in force between 1.2.2022 and 31.7.2023.

Please note that a disabled who is also recognized as a widower or a bereaved parent of a hostile action casualty or of the Ministry of Defense, will not be entitled to a special payment.

Submitting a benefit claim

To receive a benefit, one must fill out a special benefit claim (in Hebrew) and attach to it authorizations of income, medical authorizations and any additional relevant authorizations in accordance with the particular type of special payment requested. 
Please note that payment eligibility is granted from the day of claim submission. The claim may also be submitted through the website/documents sending service.

Eligibility for a special benefit is granted for a limited period (according to the conditions set forth in the directives of the Ministry of Defense with respect to each type of benefit).
The disabled interested in the reexamination of the continuation of his or her eligibility at the end of the approved period - have to submit a new claim for special benefit.

Here is a list of special benefits:

1. Indigent person benefit

An indigent person benefit is a payment designed to provide means of subsistence to the disabled who have been found, by a special committee, unfit for rehabilitation and are unable to work for their subsistence due to their known disability from a hostile action. This benefit is paid as a substitute to the basic monthly benefit.

Conditions of entitlement to indigent person benefit are as follows:

  • The disabled persons whose temporary or permanent degree of disability is 50% and above, and is in effect for at least one additional year; 
  • Their age at the time of the first request’s submission was at least 18 but prior to retirement age; 
  • The disabled lost his capacity to earn a livelihood.
  • The disabled's vocational rehabilitation attempts have failed.
  • The income:

    - The disabled's work income (including from am operational business bearing profits) doesn't exceed the minimum wage - NIS 5,880.02 (as of Apr 01, 2024)

    - If work income doesn't exceed the Average Wage under National Insurance Law of NIS 13,316 (as of Jan 01, 2025) - the disabled's indigent benefit will be offset from half the amount of income beyond the minimum wage.

    - The disabled who earns work income amounting to more than NIS 13,316 (as of Jan 01, 2025) will not be entitled to an indigent benefit.

    - Income from other benefits and capital return (non work income such as: rent, retirement pension) will not be taken into account.

2. Benefit for persons who have no livelihood

A benefit for persons who  have no livelihood is an increment to the basic monthly benefit, intended to disabled in vocational rehabilitation program who are expected to join workforce in the near future. 

Conditions of entitlement to a benefit for persons who have no livelihood are as follows: 

  • The disabled persons whose temporary or permanent degree of disability is 20% and above (as well as those with disability degrees between 10%-19% who were recognized prior to 1.1.1996); 
  • Their age at the time of the first request’s submission was at least 18 but prior to retirement age; 
  • They are not paid unemployment benefits;
  • Income:

    - The disabled's work income (including from am operational business bearing profits) doesn't exceed NIS 2,812.1 (as of Jul 01, 2024).

    - Income from other benefits (barring unemployment benefits) and capital return (non work income such as: rent, retirement pension) will not be taken into account.

  • The disabled produce evidence that they have done everything in their power to obtain or increase their income:

    - They were registered with the Employment Bureau as a job-seeker within seven days of their losing their job and who continue to be registered as job-seekers. 

    - They have not refused any job offered to them by the Employment Bureau; 

    - They produce evidence that they have made attempts to integrate into the job market.

Period of entitlement to the benefit:

  • The benefit for persons whit no livelihood is limited to a maximum of 24 months.
  • The disabled who have completed their studies in a higher education institution, and whose disability degree is 40% and above, and did not find a job yet, are entitled to a benefit for persons with no livelihood for a maximum period of 6 months, immediately after the date the end of their studies.

Benefit rates:

 Disability degree

Unmarried or married

Married with children


(for current benefit recipients, for injuries prior to 1.1.1996)

NIS 3,516.49 (as of Jul 01, 2024)

NIS 5,139.14 (as of Jul 01, 2024)


(19% for current benefit recipients, for injuries prior to 1.1.1996) 

NIS 5,139.14 (as of Jul 01, 2024)

NIS 7,328.43 (as of Jul 01, 2024)

40% or more 

NIS 7,328.43 (as of Jul 01, 2024)

NIS 9,503.09 (as of Jul 01, 2024)

3. Special benefit for disabled with a mental or head injury

This special benefit is intended to the disabled with mental or head injury with at least 50% disability degree, who are unable to work for their subsistence due to their known disability. 

Period of entitlement to the benefit:

The special benefit is approved for period of up to a year. However, a special committee may expand that period to up to 3 years.

Conditions of entitlement to a level 6 special benefit are as follows:

  • The disabled persons whose temporary or permanent degree of disability is between 20%-40% (as well as those with disability degrees between 10%-19% who were recognized prior to 1.1.1996), comprising at least 20% disability due to a head or mental injury.
  • Their age at the time of the first request’s submission was at least 18 but prior to retirement age;  
  • The disabled lost his capacity to earn a livelihood.
  • The disabled's vocational rehabilitation attempts have failed.
  • The income:

    - The disabled's work income (including from am operational business bearing profits) doesn't exceed the minimum wage NIS 5,880.02 (as of Apr 01, 2024).

    - If work income doesn't exceed the average wage in National Insurance Law amounting to NIS 13,316 (as of Jan 01, 2025) - the disabled's indigent benefit will be offset from half the amount of income beyond the minimum wage.

    - The disabled who earns work income amounting to more than NIS 13,316 (as of Jan 01, 2025) will not be entitled to an indigent benefit.

    - Income from other benefits and capital return (non work income such as: rent, retirement pension) will not be taken into account.

Benefit rates:


 Disability degree



Married with children


NIS 6,320.91 (as of Jul 01, 2024)

NIS 7,027.96 (as of Jul 01, 2024)

NIS 9,009.16 (as of Jul 01, 2024)


NIS 8,171.31 (as of Jul 01, 2024)

NIS 8,781.4 (as of Jul 01, 2024)

NIS 10,597.96 (as of Jul 01, 2024)

4. Special benefit due to early retirement for people with a disability degree below 50%

This benefit is intended to the disabled who were forced to retire from their jobs prior to retirement age due to their known disability. The benefit is paid as an increment to the basic benefit. 

Conditions of entitlement to the benefit are as follows:

  • The disabled persons are 50 years old or older and have not yet reached retirement age;
  • Their temporary or permanent degree of disability is between 35% - 49% in all types of injury, or the disabled has a head / mental injury whose percentage of disability due to the injury is established at 20% and above.
  • A vocational physician has established they are unable to work in any job whatsoever;
  • They retired altogether from their jobs due to their known disability, and are not working in any job or business.
  • The income:

    - The disabled's work income (including from am operational business bearing profits) doesn't exceed the minimum wage NIS 5,880.02 (as of Apr 01, 2024).

    - The disabled with earnings exceeding the minimum wage is not entitled to this benefit.

    - Income from other benefits and capital return (non work income such as: rent, retirement pension) will not be taken into account.

Benefit rates:

The benefit level is determined according to the age at which the disabled retired from his work.

Retired ageBenefit rates

Retired between the ages of 50 and 59

NIS 4,243.63 (as of Jul 01, 2024)

Retired at age 60

NIS 3,394.9 (as of Jul 01, 2024)

Retired at age 61

NIS 2,970.54 (as of Jul 01, 2024)

Retired at age 62

NIS 2,546.18 (as of Jul 01, 2024)

Retired at age 63

NIS 1,697.45 (as of Jul 01, 2024)

Retired at age 64

NIS 848.73 (as of Jul 01, 2024)


5. Special benefit due to early retirement for people with a disability degree of 50% and above

This benefit is intended to the disabled with a disability degree of 50% and above, who have not yet reached retirement age, and were forced to retire from their jobs due to their known disability.

Conditions of entitlement to the benefit are as follows:

  • The disabled persons are 50 years old or older and have not yet reached retirement age;
  • Their temporary or permanent degree of disability is 50% and above for the following injuries: injuries in the lower limbs, pelvis, spine with spinal nerve damage, or with cervical spine damage.
  • A vocational physician has established they are unable to work in any job whatsoever;
  • They retired altogether from their jobs due to their known disability, and are not working in any job or business.
  • The income:

    - The disabled's work income (including from am operational business bearing profits) doesn't exceed the minimum wage NIS 5,880.02 (as of Apr 01, 2024).

    - The disabled with earnings exceeding the minimum wage is not entitled to this benefit.

    - Income from other benefits and capital return (non work income such as: rent, retirement pension) will not be taken into account.